How much money would it take for you to change jobs? That’s definitely something that every employed job seeker thinks about.
While money isn’t everything, there are definitely floors that each candidate won’t drop below. And post-pandemic, those numbers are shifting.
As of July 2022, the average wage for an American to switch jobs (the “reserve wage”) was $72,873. Averages skew toward the high end. All it takes is Bill Gates saying he’s willing to change jobs for $3.6 billion, and the average number goes up. Most Americans earn less than $72,873. A median figure would probably give a more accurate picture of what people look for.
But what’s more interesting is when you break it down by gender. The average reserve wage for men has gone up to $86,259 from the previous quarter, while the reserve wage for women dropped to $59,543.
To keep reading, click here: Women will work for less now – but employers can fix this
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